Shell’s Upstream Director, Andy Brown, described the agreement as ‘significant’ - and stated that it provided a pathway for Shell to enter the West African Atlantic Margin exploration basin which represents huge potential for the oil and gas conglomerate.
Brown said, “This move represents Shell’s entry into the West African Atlantic Margin exploration basin, which has significant potential. We look forward to working with the government and people of Mauritania as we bring our expertise and technical capability to help develop the country’s emerging energy sector.”
The Mauritanian Minister of Oil, Energy and Mining, Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah, echoed the sentiments expressed by the Shell executive and said the strategic partnership provided Mauritania with the opportunity to develop its own energy sector in the country.
The Mauritania Minister said, “Shell’s new entry in the Mauritania offshore area represents an important added value to the exploration activities and will contribute to maintain the momentum for developing the energy sector in Mauritania.”
Following the customary government approvals of the contracts, Shell will set up an office in Nouakchott and begin exploration activities, starting with reprocessing and analysis of existing seismic data and acquisition of new data.
Shell will operate the exploration program with a 90% interest. Société Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures et de Patrimoine Minier, the national oil company of Mauritania, holds a 10 percent interest.
Additionally, Shell and the government of Mauritania have agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly evaluate further offshore exploration opportunities, examine new ways of meeting the country’s domestic energy needs, and build capability in the energy sector.